Gravity Forms ~ professzionális űrlapkezelő rendszer WordPress-hez
A legnépszerűbb és legjobb űrlapkezelő WordPress-hez. Szinte minden típusú űrlap megoldható vele könnyedén. Feltételes mezők megadása is lehetséges, így bizonyos mezők csak akkor láthatók, ha egy előző mezőnél teljesült az adott feltétel.
A Gravityforms űrlapkezelővel akár egyszerű megrendelőlapot is lehet szerkeszteni, amivel a terméked, szolgáltatásod értékesítheted.
Gravity Forms űrlapkezelő bemutató videója angol nyelven
Gravity Forms űrlapkezelő legfontosabb jellemzői
HTML tartalom beillesztése
Version 1.3.13 introduces new inline HTML content blocks for your forms. Include textual content, imagery, scripts or whatever you would like to enhance your forms.
Űrlap importálás/exportálás
Import/export form functionality has been added in version 1.3.13. Now you can build your forms, export them as backups or import them to use on other sites.
Értesítések szabad formázása
We have added an option to the email notifications to disable auto-formatting of paragraphs. This option gives you complete control of the email formatting using HTML.
Feltételes űrlap mezők
Gravity Forms 1.3 adds support for conditional form fields. This means you can show or hide a field or entire sections of the form based on a value selected in another field.
Email értesítések átirányítása
Now you can set up notifications to route to different email addresses based on rules that you define. Use one form to route form submissions to sales, marketing, customer service department.
Bővített cikk egyedi mezők
We’ve enhanced the post custom fields to let you choose from various field types. Custom fields can now be email, website, multiple choice, drop down lists, hidden fields and more.
Bővített cím mező
The address field for 1.3 has several new options. Choose from US, Canadian or International address types, set the default state, province or country and toggle field visibiltiy.
Valid kód több űrlap megjelenítésnél
We’ve retooled the form markup so multiple forms on the same page will validate as XHTML 1.0 transitional. We know you want nice valid markup and we’ve got your back.
Csoportos hozzáadás és előre megadott választások
Quickly and easily populate drop downs, checkboxes and radio button fields with predefined lists of values such as Countries, States, Months, etc. You can also bulk add your own options.
Űrlap időzítése
Have a form that you only want made available during a certain time period? Form Scheduling allows you to define a start date and end date for your form.
Űrlap bejegyzések korlátozása
Running a contest and only want the first 50 people to be able to submit an entry? Now you can limit the number of entries a form can receive.
Válasz írása a WordPress admin felületéről
Want to respond to your entries right from Gravity Forms? Now you can view, manage and respond to entries right from WordPress!
Cikk kép megadása
Gravity Forms makes it easy for users to upload an image when creating a post via a user submitted form. Great for user submitted articles, directory sites, etc.
Cikk kategóriájának megadása
Gravity Forms now makes it easy for users to select the post category when creating a post via a user submitted form. You have complete control of which categories are available.
Űrlap bejegyzések megtekintése/szerkesztése
The Entry Detail page has been completely redesigned in Gravity Forms 1.1 to provide an easier to use and more flexible interface for managing form entries.
Megadott adatok felhasználása visszaigazoláskor
Now you can pass form data to your confirmation redirect page for integration with 3rd party services. It’s as easy as selecting your redirect and using our query string builder!
Űrlapok könnyű beágyazása bejegyzésekbe/oldalakra
The easy to use Embed Form tool will help you in creating the correct shortcode to be added to your post or page content.
Automatikus válasz létrehozása
Send automatic emails to users in response to a submission. Add any form field content to your message to create professional and personalized messages.
Bejegyzések összegzése a Vezérlőpulton
The Dashboard Widget gives you a quick summary of our entries. It displays the number of unread entries for each form to help you stay on top of things.
Könnyű űrlap szerkesztés a vizuális felületen
The visual form editor enables people with no HTML skills to create complex forms in minutes. Just add fields, choose field options, and drag them into the desired position.
Beépített reCAPTCHA a SPAM-ek ellen
The reCAPTCHA field will shield you from spam by preventing from submissions from automated scripts. You will also be helping in digitizing books for online use.
Cikkek létrehozása az űrlap kitöltésével
Let your users help with data entry. When added to a form, our Post Fields create a post when the form is submitted. Great for user submitted stories, job postings, directories, etc.
Bejegyzések kezelése az admin felületen keresztül
Search, edit, delete and keep track of all entries from the Entries page in your WordPress administration panel.
Egyszerű adatexportálás CSV formátumba
Need your entry data for other applications? Easily export all or part of your entries to CSV. Our export tool makes it a breeze to export only the fields that are needed.