WordPress minden mobilon
A kiegészítő segítségével a WordPress weboldalad minden modern mobil eszközön úgy jelenik meg, ahogy az adott eszközre a legoptimálisabb. Így gyorsabban megjelenik és könnyebben olvasható, vezérelhető a weboldalad mindenki számára.
A WPtouch Pro kiegészítővel iPhone-ra úgy is optimalizálhatod az oldalad, hogy a látogató létre tud hozni Web App alkalmazást az iPhone készülékére. Így amikor onnan nyitja meg a honlapod, beállítható egy betöltés alatt megjelenő kép, mintha egy alkalmazást indított volna el.
A mobil sablonok akár teljesen testreszabhatóak, így akár létrehozható egy teljesen egyedi mobil sablon a WordPress oldaladhoz, ami illeszkedik a céged design-jához.
Stílus, ahogy csak szeretnéd
Kattintás, kiválasztás és kész is
Easy to use organized controls for colors, fonts, images, logos and more put you in the driver’s seat to define how WPtouch Pro will look.
Mutasd vagy rejtsd el
It’s easy to enable/disable a variety of display options for things like author names, categories, tags, and more. You decide what’s shown and what’s not.
Egyedi beállítások
With a WPtouch Pro Developer License you can add custom settings in themes easily. So if you’re theming for a client you can customize the backend just like the front-end to your heart’s content.
Varázslatos megjelenítés
On The Fly
Your content is re-formatted on the fly for mobile and iPad visitors. Things like images are re-scaled, and re-positioned based on size.
Képek, videók, idézetek
No matter what the content is, WPtouch Pro works to try and re-format it intelligently for mobile devices.
So write and publish for the desktop, and use your regular theme the way you’re used to, and let WPtouch Pro take care of the rest.
Web-App mód
Viszlát MobileSafari
Web-App mode delivers a native application-like experience on iOS devices. When visitors bookmark your site it is available in standalone mode without Safari wrapped around it.
Web-App Mode uses cutting-edge Javascript and HTML5 technologies to deliver your website content.
Saját design
Choose your home screen icon, loading image, and more, and create a great Web App for your iOS visitors in minutes.
További sablonok
Könnyebb nem is lehet
Creating new mobile themes and variations of existing mobile themes is easier than ever in WPtouch Pro. Create a child theme to start customizing in the admin panel in a single click.
Gondtalan frissítés
Child themes preserve updates to the parent theme. That means when we add new features to our themes they’ll automatically be added in your child theme.
Replace what you want to replace, change what you need to change. Child themes allow control over styling, images, and template files, without being stuck with an out of date theme.
Teljes menükezelés
If It’s In Your Settings…
In WPtouch Pro you don’t have to compromise on things like showing different pages and areas of your website.
WP 3.0 egyedi menük
In version 2.1, we now support Custom Menus, so you can use an existing menu or create one specifically for use with WPtouch Pro if you want.
Ikonok, saját linkek
WPtouch Pro menus also support additional custom links and using icons to associate with menu items.
Hirdetések kezelése
Simply add your Adsense credentials and choose where the ads are displayed, and voila! You’ve got mobile advertising to start generating revenue.
Same goes for Admob— it’s incredibly easy to get up and running with ads by Admob with WPtouch Pro.
Saját hirdetések
Use a custom ad service? No problem. Simply drop in your ad service JavaScript code and away you go!
Kik a látogatók?
Need to gather mobile statistics? WPtouch Pro allows you to easily enter statistics code in the admin and takes care of the rest.
Bármit lehet
You can change themes, create new themes and administrate WPtouch Pro without worry about your Stats code – we’ll always make sure it’s loaded for you.
If you’re creating themes with WPtouch Pro for your clients, Stats support is a great way to show them how valuable mobile traffic is to their websites.
Multimédiás funkciók
WPtouch Pro handles native video and audio seamlessly. Whether you’re posting from YouTube, Vimeo, or embedding standard h.264 video, WPtouch Pro has got you covered.
WPtouch Pro also supports and handles HTML5 <video> tags automatically.
Automatikus méretezés
And you don’t have to worry about the size of your videos, either – everything is scaled automatically.